Giving Thanks

As I sit in my mom and dad’s living room tonight, still stuffed from an absolutely amazing meal that my mom slaved over all day, I am overwhelmed.  I am a blessed man.  There are so many things I have to be thankful for, and as I go over them, I realize that I could write for days and not encompass them all.  The top of the list is the salvation that was bought for me by the blood of Jesus Christ.  Everything else stems from His grace.  And as I think about all He’s blessed me with, my family tops the list.

I’m so very thankful for my wife.  I married WAY above my head, and not a day goes by that I’m not aware of that.   I don’t say it enough, but I’m so thankful God gave her to me.  She’s stuck with me through a LOT, and I can’t say thanks enough.  She’s given me two kids, and is the most beautiful woman in the world.

My two beautiful daughters.  Their smiles light up the room, and they bring so much joy to our lives.  They’re growing up so fast, and I’m just trying to enjoy every fleeting moment.

I’m sitting here with my dad beside me, and my mom is reading my 3 year old to sleep.  I have quite a few good friends who can’t say that tonight, and believe me, I’m very thankful.

And while we all couldn’t be together today, I’m very thankful for my brother and 3 sisters. A big family is a huge blessing, and I’ve got one.  We may be separated by 1100 miles, but when we’re together, it’s like we’ve never been apart.

My in-laws.  Yeah, I realize how unusual it is to say that, but I am VERY blessed to have Amanda’s parents in our lives.  They have done so much for us, and words can say how grateful we are.

And we have been blessed with better than a baker’s dozen of nieces and nephews ranging in age from 24 on down to my 3.  They’re all amazingly different, and I love each and every one of them.

And in this year where both sides of my family have lost extended members, I’m very thankful for the uncles and aunts that we are still blessed to have.  What a heritage we’ve been given!

So as you count your blessings this year, I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!  G

One thought on “Giving Thanks

  1. We do have a lot to be thankful for. Bro, I am very thankful for our friendship too. Glad to have someone who shares the same interests as me. Believe me, it is hard to find someone like that.


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